
BINGEtervention: how to control binging <3

Hello my beautiful fudgies,

In the past, I always felt like no matter how many tips, trick or challenges I thought of for you guys, there was always one very important issue I wasn't conquerin: how to control binging.

Even though I talked about why you shouldn't binge in a previous post (click here to check it out),
I couldn't apply it to my real life for more than 2 weeks without my resolve weakening and my unhealthy eating habits creeping back into my life.

Until now.

This trick may seem simple, and it may not work for you, but hopefully it can help someone else who struggles with this issue.

Write it out for Friday: 
Here's how I do it:

1. Pick a day in the week when you get to indulge in whatever pleases your cravings (preferably a day when you are relaxed, like Friday, Saturday or Sunday, according  to your lifestyle, so you don't eat under stress but rather for a reward) and try to keep that same day each week.

Mine is Friday, because on most Fridays I head over to my friend's house and we watch the best guilty pleasure show in the history of television: Vampire Diaries.

2. Throughout the week, if you are suddenly hit with a craving, write it down in your agenda, on your phone, or wherever. You will have that item, or a list of items, to choose from on Friday when you dip into your food sins :)

3. On Friday, those cravings will probably have died down, so you can pick one or two things from that list and enjoy them slowly, knowing very well you deserve it. 

That's it. 
Almost sounds too easy, right?

Just trust me on this one, after a lifetime of eating then crying then...well yall know, applying unhealthy, ridiculous weight loss techniques,  I FEEL FREE, AND LIGHT, AND LOVELY.

Well...that last one is often from you guys <3 (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww)


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